Hello, folks! How the heck are you?! Me, how am I doing? Well, I am doing pretty good now, thank you for asking! 😀
First, I’d like to start off with wishing myself a happy birthday this past Tuesday on September 5th. I have celebrated 46 years of life and am so very proud of it. I love my birthday and always look forward to celebrating it, whether it be pizza dinner or a big party, I always enjoy it. Speaking of my birthday, let’s get into it…But wait, let me tell you right now, this one is lengthy so pull up a chair, some pan dulce and a beverage!
The weeks leading up to my birthday were very blah. Filled with a lot of nothing, frustration and just overall ugh-ness. I can’t really describe or explain it but I could definitely feel it. I was debating on whether to do a limpia, spiritual bath or some sort of candle work to clear all this stuff away, but I never actually did anything, at all. I just kind of sat in it, day after day after day. Eh, it was whatever. But see, that was the problem…I was tired of the “eh”, so damn tired of it. The level of damn tired-ness was so overwhelming, to the point of depression. I couldn’t really officially say I was depressed, but then again I have no idea what depression feels like. I dunno, I just didn’t know much of anything. Every day felt like a foggy exhausting broken record. And as my birthday approached, the feeling just didn’t go away.
So, who the heck is Dee Dee you say? Well, I shall tell you! Dee Dee and I go way back, by way of her cousin, who has been a very close friend of mine since high school. All these years later, I happen upon Dee Dee’s fb and see that she dips into some spiritual stuff. I am immediately intrigued becauuuussssseeeee, I love spiritual stuff!!! It is not often I happen upon folks with similar interests because when it comes to most things outside of the religion box, somebody somewhere is judging and frowning. Fortunately, I don’t give a fuuucccckkk! 😀But I digress, Dee Dee was out there doing things that intrigued me. I checked out her fb just as she had announced she was leaving her job and starting her own business; Infinite Bliss With Intentions. This business happened to be reiki and crystal therapy, in addition to some other things which you can check out as soon as you’re finished reading this here blog. I didn’t pay too much attention in the moment because although reiki is extremely beneficial, I just wasn’t interested…and I have my reasons for that.
So let’s jump back to present day pre-birthday celebration…
There I am the week before my birthday and Dee Dee pops into my head, I check her fb out again and there it is…her beautiful and alluring crystal therapy pictures. The moment I clicked on those pictures, my heart and soul just felt right. A week later, on my birthday at 3pm pacific standard time, I am laid up in her home on a nice toasty bed covered with a gentle and comforting sheet, with my knees supported and slightly bent. We chit chatted a bit while she set me up and then we got started. I have NEVER tried or been interested in reiki, although I had some knowledge of it (not the practice, but rather the subject), but that day on my 46th birthday, it was time.
The Dee Dee experience…
Now, technically, the experience was reiki and crystal therapy, but I call it the Dee Dee experience because it was her vessel that conducted the healing with and for me. It was her touch, spirit and knowledge that MADE the experience for me.
While I can’t really remember all that she told me and explained to me, I will do my best to recall and share what I do remember. The experience was that powerful, so powerful that the memory of it feels like a blur even though it is still very present. Yeah, yeah I know, rather contradicting, but it makes sense! Lol
After I got comfortable, she chose some binary beats for me and confirmed my consent before putting on the headphones. She asked if I consented to touch and I said yes. She briefly talked me through the steps without interrupting or overpowering the binary beats or the experience itself. She asked if she could place crystals on me, which I believe aligned with my chakras. Don’t quote me on that because my eyes were closed and I was surrendered to the entire process.
The moment she placed her hands on me, I melted. She reiki’d me (I am not out here trying to use technical terms, I am using what feels right to describe my experience, so shush!) for about an hour and it felt amazing. The internal process for me was like nothing I have ever experienced before. At the beginning all I wanted to do was relax and surrender. I am not very good at meditating and I was concerned it would be the same old story for me with my mind wandering and not cooperating with my plan. So from the moment I parked my car and made it onto the table, I repeated over and over to myself, “I am open to receiving whatever is for my highest and greatest good”. Poof! So there I am on the table and the dance has started. She is placing her hands on me in various areas along my body as she does her healing magic. Her touch felt like a ton of bricks. And I knew that was my shadow work showing itself because I could consciously feel she was being gentle. It felt like I couldn’t breath, like every single placement of her hands was pressing down on my entire body, restricting my breathing. I didn’t panic or get scared, instead, I tried to regulate my breathing over and over again, trying different breath patterns. It didn’t work. I took deep breaths, slow breaths, shallow breaths, fast breaths, held my breath, you name it and I tried it. Nothing worked. Then all of a sudden, I hear a little snore come out of me, lol! I did it, I worked through the heaviness that presented itself to me! This super brief explanation took an entire hour, so don’t be fooled thinking I conquered all in a matter of minutes. No ma’am, that shit literally had me in choke hold!
Alright, now let’s get into what else was happening during my breathing drama. Remember I mentioned I suck at meditating? Well, I would say about 20 mins in, I slipped into a meditative state, which absolutely blew my mind because I suck at it! I called out to my cuadro espiritual (spiritual court/frame) to come use this moment to communicate with me. Remember, I was going through an extended period of blah in my life and I wanted this experience to help resolve that. At first I got nothing. Not even a titter. But THEN! Yes, then there was thunder and lightning and the picture in my mind was dark and purple and slightly lit in the background. There were some hills and a cross or two, but every time the lighting struck, there she was. My main dame in my cuadro espiritual…Santa Muerte! I couldn’t believe it. I have been working with her for about 2 years now and it has been a very slow, slow, SLOW process. Establishing a connection has been a test for me that I apparently didn’t study for. But fret not, this is how it’s supposed to look for me so I have been sticking to it. She only showed herself but a mere 3 times and that was all I needed. She knew what I needed and it was perfect. There was some guidance and whatnot in there for me but that’s private so we shall leave it there.
Oh snap! I forgot to mention that in addition to the binary beats, crystals on my body, the reiki and pendulum, she also had crystal point lights over my entire body, also aligned with my chakras. The energy that exuded from those was absolutely magical. I could feel it all without actually feeling it. It was like this hovering energy that just kept me safe, secure, supported and made its way throughout the inside of my body and my soul.
The reiki and crystal therapy were happening simultaneously but did not feel strong, heavy or overwhelming. They complimented each other and worked in conjunction with her touch and healing.
Man, it’s like I have so many things I want to say about the experience but can’t seem to find enough words to do so. After the healing was finished, she gently ended it and gave me the opportunity to come to consciousness on my own. I wasn’t literally asleep but I was soulfully rested, relaxed and in a meditative state. It was weird for me because remember I suck at meditating but at the same time, it felt perfect. I felt relieved, clear and spiritually touched. There was a moment in her touch healing where she put her hands on mine and her hands felt so very maternal and loving and as though I was being soulfully embraced. I really wanted to hold her hands in return, I was naturally being guided to, but I refrained from doing so because I didn’t want to make things weird, lol. She was filled with so much maternal healing that I didn’t even realize I needed it. I knew exactly what that was about and was grateful I was given the opportunity to work through that.
Wheewwww, I just cannot share enough about that whole experience. It felt so comforting and like my soul was able to come home to my body.
Now, as for the environmental aspect of the experience/service. It was absolutely perfect. She has a separate room for her work with plenty of space, A/C, sheer curtains, fairy lights, aesthetically pleasing colors, comfortable therapy table, bedding, a stool because I couldn’t reach, lol, and even a little bench area to sit while I put my shoes back on. She has a very spacious area for sound healing that looks like a dream. We sat and talked some more afterward and she shared some of her experiences with me, all of which have gotten her to a place where she is a vessel for healing, for the community and the collective. She has so much to share with the world and I truly hope you spoil yourself and give it a try. Now remember, everything I described here is what was meant for me. I know I got into some really specific things like Santa Muerte and maternal healing and that was because those things were meant for me and only me. Your experience will be filled with whatever is for your highest and greatest good. I went in with full trust in Dee Dee because I knew all of it was divine timing and I trust the process 100%.
There is no other way I would have wanted to spend my birthday. This was self love like I’ve never experienced before. I have dropped her social media info below so you can take a gander. If you were guided to this blog, then you know the sign is right.
Dee Dee, thank you so very much for the experience. For your time, your touch, your skills, your passion, your light and your healing.
To Dee Dee, reiki and crystal therapy!
How to reach her:
Fb: Infiniteblisswithintentions
Tiktok: InfiniteBlissWithIntentions
With Love and Divine Feminine Strength.
Yours Truly,